Letter of thanks to
Prinbekov Marat Usenovich
From President of «KinoMark» company M.G. RudinshteinLetter of thanksTo administration of Almaly region of Almaty city, to Mayor of the region Prinbekov Marat Usenovich for contribution in strengthening of friendship relations between Kazakhsatn and Russia and support of children’s creative work of «Tansari» Producer Centre (Head Dina Smailova) participant of IX Children’s International festival of arts and sport «Kinotavrik».
President of «KinoMark» company
Author of idea of Children’s International festival of arts and sport «Kinotavrik»
Distinguished worker of culture of Russian Federation M.G. Rudinshtein
Letter of thanks to
Prinbekov Marat Usenovich
From President of «KinoMark» company M.G. Rudinshtein
Letter of thanks
To administration of Almaly region of Almaty city, to Mayor of the region Prinbekov Marat Usenovich for contribution in strengthening of friendship relations between Kazakhsatn and Russia and support of children’s creative work of «Tansari» Producer Centre (Head Dina Smailova) participant of IX Children’s International festival of arts and sport «Kinotavrik».
President of «KinoMark» company
Author of idea of Children’s International festival of arts and sport «Kinotavrik»
Distinguished worker of culture of Russian Federation M.G. Rudinshtein