Prinbekov Marat Usenovich. Ceremonial plenum of the Council of veterans. «Almaty» TV company.
Announcer: Today a ceremonial plenum of the Council of veterans has taken place in Almaly region. This organization deals constantly with issues of social and legal protection of pensioners. All veteran organizations of the region told about their work done throughout the year. Last year about three thousand veterans received moneyed support and sponsor assistance and over three thousand veterans were cured for free at sanatoria and hospitals. Veterans also take part in bringing up of growing generation. At the plenum Marat Prinbekov, the mayor of Almaly region, congratulated the participants of the World War II.
Marat Prinbekov, Mayor of Almaly region: - We decided to congratulate the participants of the war tomorrow in a special way. For tomorrow we have organized a festive dinner which will be held in 28 restaurants and cafes of our region where there will also be a musical program.