Since that times passed 6 years. We met Dana again – and the same radiant smile. But in this time our meeting was caused by absolutely another victory in her life. Her female victory! Now Dana – is the owner of new and very prestigious status: she became a mother of a beautiful little girl Alua. Now her daughter is 8 months. About the changes in her life tells Dana Tolesh.
Aquarius sign
Since the first month of my pregnancy I started to search on the internet the necessary information, I learned out about many courses in Moscow. Why Moscow city? As in Almaty I found only two-week courses, which I also visited, but this was not enough for me. Together with my mother we went to Moscow, where we visited two-month courses in the center “SANIA” – “The Country of the Absolutely New Me”. My mother studied at the courses for grandmothers, and I am at the courses for mothers. There are also the courses for fathers, grandfathers, brothers and sisters, the programmes are very diversed and overall. Our father came to every weekend, but unfortunately he was not able to visit the course in consequence of his business.
My own opinion
I always had an opinion, that during the pregnancy ultrasound should be recommended by doctors only in cases of any pathology, but if everything is fine, then it is possible to refuse from this procedure and not to reveal the gender of the baby.I didn’t do ultrasound and that is why I didn’t know either I will have - a girl or a boy. How it is possible to choose the gender? This is my child, besides the first! But now I know how to conceive exactly a boy. Not long ago I was in Chine in the famous clinic where were treated my parents. In this country it is forbidden to announce the gender of the baby after the ultrasound. Such a law was accepted as in China there is a demographic crisis: 70% men – 30% women. As they are able to have only one child, they prefer to have boys, and when they find out they will have a girl, women make abortions. That is why many of them know the traditional methods how to conceive exactly a boy. This secret now I know also but I can tell it aloud until I try it by myself...
Native walls
My daughter was born 22 october, when I was 22 years old. At the contest Miss Kazakhstan, which was lucky for me, my number was 22. That is why, I’m sure that my daughter is also a winner! Moreover, the date of my birth is – 4, it means 2 +2. That is why number 22 brings us only happiness!
An intelligent girl
Almost since the very birth and till now Aluasha loves to play with newspapers, magazines and photos, she always is doing something with them, moves,leafs. In the last days her favourite toy is – a colorful chinese puzzle. Aluasha is one of those children, who feel themselves comfortable, even if they are left alone, she will play, always chatter something, sing, and she doesn’t need anyone beside, though all the relatives and close people loves to spend time with her very much.
Since the very birth every day Aluasha spends half an hour in a swimming pool, the water for her – is a native element. She already wants to dive, probably it is time to invite a swimming instructor. Alua is always in the center of attention, everyone adores her, including grandmothers and great grandfathers. And when the telephone calls, in the first turn there is a question: “How is Alua?” And I got offended: “Well, I’m also your granddaughter...”
We already getting prepared for her first birthday: our task is – “to grow hair, the evening dress is almost ready”. After this the daughter will be involved in anything, what is possible at this age, we will develop in her what she likes.
Right now I also have a period of infancy: during my pregnancy I gained 28 kilos of weight. Aluasha was born weighting 4300 and 56 cm in height. Now she grew up to 83 cm and by her height she is higher than 1 year old child. The first 3 months after my daughter’s birth I decided to devote time to myself and lost 20 kilos. There are 6 kilos left, which I will lose very soon and will return in my usual 54 kilos. In Chinese clinic, about which I have already told about, I liked very much the method of treatment: “chemistry” is excluded, only herbs, massage, acupuncture. They don’t treat a separate organ or a certain pain, but restore the general energy of yin and yang, then the treatment continues by itself – the body will treat itself. That is what I’m doing right now.
I’m waiting for the birthday of my daughter, it is a certain line, which I marked by myself to move further. The idea that I wanted to realize in life is – creating of a center in Almaty, similar to those one that I’ve visited in Moscow. This center will be in a demand, and if there to create special childish restaurants, entertainment centers, studying programmes for the development of speech and thinking... From this enumeration it already takes my breath away. I think it will be great!
If I’m missing the modeling business? Honestly, it will be boring for me to be involved in this right now, my psychological age is not already the same. I would not be able to devote the whole day to my appearance, change of clothes, feeling of stardom and ambition is unfamiliar to me... Everything is left behind, I bathed in focused attention, and now I’m interested in another. I consider that it is not obligatory for someone to confirm that you are beautiful, the most important – is to feel yourself beautiful, interesting, smart, know that you have rear, family, perspective for the future, and this is much more than photographs on the cover of a glossy magazine.
Tolesh Dana. «My lucky number - 22».// Season. August-september 2004.
- Dana Tolesh: Happiness – is a state of mind.// Zhenshiny Vostok-Zapad, №3 (114) may-june, 2011.
- Tolesh Dana. Kazakh beauty contest. / / VIP persona. № 6, 1998.
- Dana Tolesh. Miss Kazakhstan. / / Air Kazakhstan № 3/98
- Tolesh Dana. "Miss Kazakhstan-1998".// The Vremya. 20/11/2006
- Dana Tolesh. Fifty golden years.// Zhenshiny Vostok-Zapad, №12 (79) December 2007.