Maimakov Tauzhan Permanovich
Maimakov Tauzhan Permanovich


Date of birth: 29th of October 1941
Place of birth: Kazakhstan, Almaty city.
Place of resident: Kazakhstan, Almaty city.

Maimakov Tauzhan Permanovich is a doctor of the chemical sciences, a professor, and an honored education worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He is also a famous scientist in organic and high molecular chemistry; he invested a lot of efforts in science and high school development in Kazakhstan. This active social organizer, agent and teacher also put a lot of efforts so as to improve secondary and university education systems.

In 2009 – Platon's International Award for the Achievement in the sphere of education (The International Biographic Centre Cambridge, Great Britain).
  • In 1975 Maimakov Tauzhan Permanovich defended  a doctoral thesis, and in 2001 he defended a doctoral thesis.
  • From 2007 up to now – he has been the director of Almaty’s distant education center to Eastern Kazakhstan State Technical university named after D.Serikbaev.
  • Since 2001 and up to now – he has been the director of Almaty diverse college.
  • From 2001 to – he was the vice president of Eurasian International.
  • From 1995 to 2007 – he was the principle of the non – state institution of high education establishment;
  • From 1979 to 1997 – a senior instructor, an associate professor, a deputy dean and the dean of the technological faculty of polytechnic institute named after V.I.lenin. (Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpaev.);
  • From1975 to 1979 – he was a scientific secretary of chemical technology department of Presidium SA KazSSR;
  • From 1970 to 1975 – he was the senior engineer of the institute of the chemical sciences of SA KazSSR;
  • From 1967 to 1968 – he was an engineer – technologist in Almaty firm of plastic articles «Kzil – Tu» (AO «Sunkar»);
  • From 1965 to 1966, he worked as a replacement master in Guryev (Atirau) chemical factory;
The main directions of the scientific research: the development of effective ways of synthesis of heterocyclic thermoplastic polyamides,  new generation of acyclic poly epoximides;  mechanism and regularity of poly heterocyclic creation establishment;  working out physic chemical bases of creation of semi functional reagents of complex actions and technology of their application for increase of efficiency of processes of drilling of oil and gas chinks, preparation and oil transportation; creation of new functional polymeric materials of medical appointment (hydro gels); possessing absorbing activity and regulated desorbing medicinal substance; regulators of growth of plants on the basis of the Republic of Kazakhstan’s source of raw materials; carrying out of complex tests according to efficiency of action of new reagents and introduction into an agrarian sector of the Republic.

Maimakov Т.P’s basic researches are generalized in the monograph, published in 170 articles published in scientific magazines of Kazakhstan, Russia, Bulgaria copyright certificates of the USSR, patents and prepatents of КR, the Eurasian patent, are presented on the international congresses, symposiums and conferences. Maimakov conducts fruitful educational activities.

Among its pedagogical achievements of introduction in process of training of new high technologies and innovations, working out and an embodiment in a life of new educational standards of the higher and average vocational education, opening in KazNTU the laboratory on preparation of the «know-how» and processing of polymers, technology of polytrophic manufacture and operation of cars and the equipment of polytrophic manufacture, the organization of opening of the new technological faculty, which first dean was Maimakov Т .P. Working out scientifically - methodical and manuals (more than 20), the textbook for the higher school in the Kazakh language for chemists - technologists on «know-how» of plastics, improvement of quality of preparation of experts in a number of specialties: jurisprudence, economics, organization management, economic, customs business, information systems, standardization and certification, designing, a construction and operation oil and gas pipes and gasholders, polytrophic cars and the automated complexes, technologies of polytrophic manufacture, automation and information in control systems, computer systems of processing information and managements, program and hardware maintenance of computer facilities, multichannel telecommunication systems.   

Supporting the idea of formation of a continuous education system college – high school – magistracy – PhD in 2001 on the basis of Maimakov T. P's HIGH SCHOOL «UNAT» opened in Almaty a versatile technical – economic College (MATEK) which carries out preparation of experts in 12 specialties. A priority direction of activity of collective AMTEK is working out of the state educational standards and typical curriculums for profile high schools and colleges.  In 2008 for a treasure in development of modern standards in formation, in the conditions of market economy, led by Maimakov Т.P of establishment HIGH SCHOOL «UNАТ», Almaty versatile technical and economic college at the International Summit «Leaders of national economies» in Moscow were awarded with the International award of the Sign on Honor «The Leader of National Economy 2008».  


In 1965 he graduated from Kazakh Chemical Technological Institute (Southern Kazakhstan State University name after M.Auezov) with the specialty of plastic technology and engineering – technologist’s qualification.

T. P. Maimakov’s children:
  • Married with two sons – Arman and Meirzhan.
  • The grandchildren – Asilhan, Ualihan and Tokzhan.
The formula of success:

Dare! Only by aspirations is success achieved. The person only there achieves, where trusts in the forces.

Latest update 18.08.2009