Galiev Seitgali Joldasovich
Galiev Seitgali Joldasovich


Date of birth: 18 of January 1958
Place of birth: Kazakhstan, Karaganda city.
Place of resident: Kazakhstan, Almaty city.

Galiev Seitgali Joldasovich is a leading scientist in the field of technology of automated planning and control at open mining operations. He is the founder of the scientific and practical direction related to the development of the automated corporate control system of geotechnological complex at open mines.

Being a specialist of the high class in the field of mining, he successfully manages the development and implementation of the tasks on the republican target scientific and technical programs and programs of fundamental and applied researches.

Since 2001 till present time Galiev S. J. is a director of BSE “Mining Institute after D. A. Kunaev” of RSE “NC IMR RK". Galiev Seitgali Joldasovich

In 2001, he worked in the capacity of the chief academic secretary of RSE “NC IMR RK".

In 1998-1999, he did training in French Mining School by the specialty “Administration in Mining”.

In 1997, he defended doctoral thesis “Optimization of Parameters of Mining and Transport Systems of the Open-Cast Mines on the Basis of Simulation Modeling”, in 1998 he became professor.

In 1990-1997, he worked as a senior, leading research officer for the laboratory of open mining at MI.

In 1991 he defended the candidate’s thesis “Justification of the Rational Technological Parameters of Excavating and Railway Systems of Deep Open-Cast Mines” in KazPTI.

In 1986, he started full-time post-graduate study in the Mining Institute of Academy of Sciences KazSSR.

In 1985-1986, he worked as an engineer in the laboratory of open mining of the Scientific and Research Institute of Open Mining Operations in Chelyabinsk.

In 1985, he graduated Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute.

In 1979, he worked as a mechanic for repair of mining equipment and then as an assistant driller at Djetygara asbestos mining and processing enterprise.

In 1976-1978, he served in the Soviet Army as a section leader.

He started his career in 1975 in the publishing house of the Central Committee of Communist Party of Kazakhstan, where he worked for a short time as an apprentice mechanic.

Having become the director of the Institute, he carried out effective work on transition to the methods of scientific management, on restructuring and creation of new scientific sub-departments, establishment and strengthening of cooperation with production, equipping the institute with the computers, on material and moral motivation of employees, extension and intensification of international relations.

Being an initiator and executive director of the Organizational Committee of the Regular International Conference “Geotechnology”, he organized its conduction on the basis of 4 large mining companies.

Special attention he pays to the training of highly qualified specialists for mining branch.  Under his direction 7 candidate and 2 doctoral theses were defended.  He is an author of 212 scientific works including three monographs and one brochure, more than 30 works were published abroad.

S. J. Galiev holds extensive public work, is an associated member of the Board of Directors of the Mining Institutes of Russia and Expert Council for support of the innovative activity under JSC “Center of Engineering and Transfer of Technologies”, is included in Coordination Council of AGMP.  
Seytkali Galiev is the chairman of the Dissertation Council under the Institute, the member of the Scientific and Technical Council of NC IMR RK, the chairman of the editorial board of the Institute’s Proceedings, the member of the editorial boards of the magazines “Industry of Kazakhstan”, “Mining Magazine of Kazakhstan” and “Mining and Geological Magazine”.

Latest update 17.08.2009