- Self-brand coaching. At self-brand couching a customer’s strategy on his/her self-branding is developed. The necessary research and measures are done for the customer. A team of employees is attracted to study and elaborate a development strategy in the area where the customer’s predestination is co-defined.
- Inclusion of the customer into regional and international industrial programs (realized by state bodies and social organizations), municipal programs on regional development, as a self-branding resource (informational, administrational, social, financial) of the customer’s self-branding.
- Self-branding promotion– organization of advertisement campaign in mass media, promotion in professional societies; we organize a professional ‘leakage’ of information in the necessary (or customer defined) social medium, and in stakeholder environment in relation to the objective of Self-branding or reachable dream of our client.Formation of a customer’s selfbrandbook to hold a position or social status defined by a customer. We arrange obtaining education by the customer (diploma and certificate), as well as references and positive feedback from industrial and social authorities. We create links in the mass media and Internet resources.
- Organization of events where the customer may realize his/her strategies the most effectively.