The objective of the campaign:
- Motivate the young and business owners of Kazakhstan to use the potential of “Youth internship” program for targeted career management and preparation and recruitment of young qualified employees.
- To provide knowledge to the young on the tools for career management.
During the campaign the young people will be provided with sessions on development of life skills for career management. This session has been developed based on life skills development courses held in career management centre in the USA.
The representatives of “Business Contacts of Kazakhstan” business club will provide the representatives of youth organizations with club cards for free with the access to internet pages of website containing information available only to the club members.
These pages have sections describing labour market of Kazakhstan with details on the demand for specialists, average wages and salaries with the breakdown to positions and regions of Kazakhstan.
There is as well information on opportunities of receiving free education in Kazakhstan and abroad, and details on state, international, corporate ad other scholarships.
This research has been done on account of club’s members’ funds.
The club card holders may as well register for free in the project named «International network bureau of human resources».
Time and date: 02.07.2009.
Registration: from 10.30 to 11.00.
Almaty city, Mamyr 4, No. 111g.
Telephone: (727) 320 13 32(38 - 43),
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