The crisis brought good things as well. It showed us our weak points and detected the technologies with which you and your business will continue to stay successful and with positive economic and social balance.
One of those tools for achieving, saving and developing your welfare is … your authority. The crisis showed that the companies whose heads had great authority in the market managed to go through the crisis with minimum losses and some of them even managed to grow.
But most managers don’t always understand what the authority is.
Most people even don’t understand that authority is one of technology tools for achieving success together with such instruments as company’s supply in the market.
The impact of demand for the company’s products on its success is a well known fact; but the fact that having at least one competitor in the market it is necessary to get another tool out of the company’s arsenal, i.e. the head’s authority which will finally play a final role, is not known by everybody.
Therefore, participating in the meetings and mind storms on development of the company we can see that the discussion of the company’s development is made about only company’s products range, and no single word about the top manager’s authority as a strategic tool for company’s development and sustainability.
Authority is important not only in business but also in a family.
Authority is considered a side effect product of one’s activity which appears on its own. But considering the authority as a tool or a part of technology to achieve success leads to paradoxical imbalances. A person is respected at work, but in the family his/her opinion is not listened to, or vice versa, his/her decision is final at home but at work it causes smile from his/her colleagues and does not bring pay rise.
Talking about interconnection of authority with career success is equal to discussing the interconnection of sun and day light.
Therefore, each parent should not only study authority development knowledge him/herself but also provide such knowledge to his/her children as a parent blessing and heritage which will provide the economic and social welfare for their whole life.
Mastering authority development technology – What to do?
First step in this direction is to get rid of illusion that something will happen on its own.
Experienced top managers know that if you don’t manage the development of something specifically the result will be either expanded over time, or it will be far from the desired. That’s why it is not rare that there are imbalances in respect and authority of a person which were discussed earlier.
Authority, like everything in one’s life is formed by extensive and intensive methods:
- Extensive method is working on authority without a qualitative growth. Frequently it happens by increasing the quantity of time and money for developing the authority. In other words, it is the system of working without significant capital costs per time unit and is characterized with weak usage of scientific achievements, knowledge in marketing, management, sociology and psychology, and, correspondingly, low results in time scale.
- Intensive method envisages mastering and application of new knowledge and technologies in social communications, development of new and more effective habits, getting to know status accessories, communication environment, i.e. on the account of obtaining new knowledge and social tools one achieves multifold return on every minute and every tenge invested in development of his/her own authority and generating opportunities.
The knowledge in this area developed in most competitive economies and societies, i.e. America and west Europe, and were structured under the name of “Self branding”.
It’s important not to confuse self-branding with image making. New challenges of the modern world during the crisis showed that only creation of image is not enough any more; a complex approach and economic element are necessary, i.e. the ability of economic return on investment to authority.
So what is self-branding?
- Firstly, it is knowledge and application of methods of correlated holistic organization: special skills, tactics and procedures, relations with social institutes, mass media, as well as individual and professional characteristics for the target-aimed formation of authority, for effective (relative to the target) building of relations with people, professional relations and those with social environment (social status authorization).
- Secondly, it is creation of potential for liquid conversion of personal authority (personal brand) into financial or other assets: includes assessment of authority (name valuations) and methods of attracting financial resources for self-branding.
- And last, but not least, self-branding is a discipline which demands from the person highly effective life, time perception, personal characteristics and social status as a resource of unavoidable realization of one’s dream.
In Kazakhstan Self-branding technologies are provided by “SHAIKH” Creative Solutions Agency. The agency’s team has worked in Kazakhstan since 1997.
Since its foundation the agency has realized a range of projects and programs at republic and international levels. Moreover, it successfully accomplished projects on election to Kazakh Parliament and on organization of attraction of investments to Kazakh businesses. Internet resources have been created on self-branding and VIPlisting (Kazakhstan’s Hall of Fame, community of laureates of Kazakhstan’s Hall of Fame and “Business contacts of Kazakhstan” club).
The agency provides the following services:
- VIP listing;
- Consulting on development and realization of self-branding strategy;
- Personal self-branding producing.
- Creation of information and communication environment (Mass media interaction service) and contacts for effective self-branding;
- Career enhancement and preparation as a self-brand producer.
- Consulting and organization of fundraising road show on collection of resources for self-branding.
Agency’s target auditory:
- Top managers and owners of business, who are interested in technologies and personalities for increasing business profitability and investor search.
- Parents who are interested in creation of conditions for their children’s quick and stable success (career).
- Persons interested in promotion of their ideas, art products and projects (search for clients, investors and buyers).
We open up names and do this creatively and with great pleasure.
Head of “SHAIKH” Creative Solutions Agency Kazybek Shaikh
Kazybek Shaikh. Planning of life after crisis // Женщины Восток-Запад. № 9-10 (98-99) December-January 2009-2010
- Kazybek Shaikh. Elements of project management as GR tools (government relations) / / The second international forum on "Project Management in Central Asia. The innovative technology. " May 3-5, 2012
- Shaikh Kazybek. The construction of the New Contemporary Silk Way should start from Chongqing. //, Morning news. 08.12.2011.
- Kazybek Shaikh. Cross-selling – women’s invention of «surplus profit»// Женщины Восток-Запад. №9-10 (108-109) October- November 2010
- Aliza Shaikh: The Beauty and Career of your name// Sovet Direktorov. September 2010 № 8 (51).
- Kazybek Shaikh. Who are you interesting to?// Совет Директоров.№7(50), 2010.
- The Olympic reserve of mathematical talents.Yulia Zolkina, Yalkunjan Ashimjanov, “Almaty” Television Channel.
- Kazybek Shaikh. Your predestination and success of your business// "Совет директоров". June 2010 №5 (48)
- Kazybek Shaikh. The choice: Not to shine, or to light up a way for oneself.// Совет директоров. May 2010 №4 (48)